Reissue JP 80-ies pop
Through the years folks have been asking for this 80-ies JP Den Tex pop sampler! Although young Den Tex may still be looking for a voice here, the songs on ‘Hungry Years (1980-1986)’ already stand out because of their songwriting and storytelling qualities, taking us back to JP’s boho years. Love gone awry (on A Quiet Street In Paris), personal bankruptcy (on Low Budget Rider and C’est la Vie Bon Bon), recurrent periods of depression and the consecutive soulsearching that comes with it (on Clever Fool and Cold War Children): they all get a landing spot, without bringing the listener down along with them however. Apart from ten captivating songs there’s a bunch of excellent musicians on these tracks, like Ulco Bed (today saxophonist Candy Dulfer’s guitar player), Willem Ennes, Tom Barlage, Hans Waterman and Harry Hardholt (all from well-known progrog band Solution, drummer Kees Meerman (from Herman Brood’s original Wild Romance), bass player Jaap van der Sluijs and guitarist Michiel (‘Oh Boy’) Jansen, just to name a few. Cover photo by Maarten Corbijn (Corbino, 1986), artwork by Henk Brink (2019). Official date of release Monday August 26, 2019, album out on Comme Les Chansons. To buy the album click HERE
Hier wordt al jaren om gevraagd: een digitale selectie JP liedjes uit de duistere jaren tachtig! Op maandag 2 september a.s. komt het verzamelalbum ‘Hungry Years (1980-86)’ uit. Op het Comme Les Chansons label. CD vanaf vandaag beschikbaar op Apple/Music-iTunes